EspaceAgro selleco

Truck Management For You With Good Returns - Cote-d-ivoire

truck management for you with good returns - transport transit logistique we are an import export company,  also working in construction,  agro business,  mining,  transport and we are looking for a partner with several trucks (dumpsters,  trays, ...) and who will be ready to entrust us rental management in ivory coast.--we are solicited by several companies and individuals but
STATUT NON DEFINIAUTRE  N°566592:   09/10/2022 20:00:50 Marque visible ZONE MEMBRE

we are an import export company, also working in construction, agro business, mining, transport and we are looking for a partner with several trucks (dumpsters, trays,...) and who will be ready to entrust us rental management in ivory coast.
we are solicited by several companies and individuals but we do not have the capacity to meet the demand.

nb: a deposit can be paid if the trucks are in good shape before starting once we are in possession of the owner's trucks (ivory coast)
Restrictions : Cote d'Ivoire
Quantite : Depend of the owner
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