tyre recycling to oil plant can turn tires to fuel oil with latest pyrolysis technology. pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of materials in the absence of oxygen. in the case of the pyrolysis of rubber tyres, the rubber degrades under high temperatures and long chain hydrocarbons in rubber are broken down into compounds with shorter carbon chains in the reactor, yielding oil, gas and carbon ...
Advertiser from Germany
we have a technology complexe for recycling the tyres and use the derivés , like huile , energy renouvelable , poudre , granules etc
Advertiser from Hungary
if you think can work with me.
i create a project in the field of recycling (plastic, tyre, paper...) see the environnemental degradation, i envisaged to install a recycling center in senegal, after in west and central africa: who call "sereex" senegalese of recycling and exploitation sn dkr 2013 m 158.for the begin, i intented to do the tyres that i have the business plan, i think you go s ...
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