we buy continually veals 200 270 kgs at competitive prices, charolais, limousin, aubriac, belgian blue and others. only from these countries as required by moroccan specifications : irland, poland, austria, hongary, belgique, france, spain and portugal.
cattles must be healty, vaccined and without deseases.
cordially ...
- 200 €
- Limit :200 a 270 kgs
- Packaging :vivants
- Quantity :800
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Advertiser from Morocco
bonjour, nous cherchons des veaux male 250 kg croisè charolias/limousine origine: portugal quantitè 250 animaux. on peut travailler sur tout l'annè. svp de me contacter pour faire votre offre: merci ...
- 2,50 EURO
- Quantity :250
-To see the brand, you need to be a member
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