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vendeur mushroom production - Purchase sale, salesman, producer, manufacturer, food suppliervendeur mushroom production

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Other  fr  556728. Mushroom Farm production |   Producer fruits and vegetables  08/08/2022 18:07:52

have the good idea is not a good plan, but have an idea and a good plan to practice correctly is the perfection . im a 35 yo tunisian farmer have been in sciences and technics of medical health in tunis and have several formation about muchrooms and fungs, search how can afford the logistic and of corse material to coolaborate with to install a farm south of tunisia . thinks for your time . ...
Advertiser from Tunisia

Category : fruits and vegetables | Producer Tunisia |  
Selling  fr  533209. Champignons Frais Et Sec |   Producer yeast fungus  29/03/2022 21:41:07

specialised in the production of mushroom (fresh and dry). we also produce and market mushroom seeds for those intending to develop their own farms. we do training and follow up of young farmers as well. contact us for our services anytime.  ...
Advertiser from Cameroon

Category : yeast fungus | Producer Cameroon |  
Buying  fr  112919. Compost, Mushroom |   Producer fruits and vegetables 

dear sirs, the first compost factory for pleurotus mushrooms has just been brought into operation in romania. our company is a romanian dutch bussiness entity and the compost is being produced according to methods and procedures of substraatbedrijf horst, holland. this company is number 1 in europe in compost production. . we offer compost with spawn in it for pleurotus mus ...
- negotiable
- Quantity :high
Advertiser from Romania

Category : fruits and vegetables | Producer Romania |  
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