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vendeur organic fermented - Purchase sale, salesman, producer, manufacturer, food suppliervendeur organic fermented

vendeur organic fermented Ads

manufacturer producer supplier wholesaler

Selling  fr  607269. Organic fermented Vegetables |   Manufacturer fruits and vegetables  03/08/2023 17:57:45

we produce a full range of organic vegetables in pickles. we can supply prive laberl or with our brand. please ask for a quotation ...
- Quantity :1 ton
Advertiser from France

Category : fruits and vegetables | Manufacturer France |  
Buying  fr  509348. Ozone Water Generator, Silver Ions Generator |   Producer machinery equipment 

silver ions are positive ions with possitive charge, formed from silver atoms lossing one or more electrons. the antibacteria technology of silver ion has been approved by experts. it’s highky effective in removal and resistance of bacteria, virus, fungus, etc. the antibacterial ratio reaches above 99%, can prevent the possibility of bacterial infection during shower, protect healhy, esp ...
Advertiser from China

Category : machinery equipment | Producer China |  
Selling  fr  290139. Organic Black Garlic |   Wholesaler fruits and vegetables 

organic black garlic health benefit: black garlic is obtained from fresh garlic (allium sativum l.) that has been fermented for a period of time at a controlled high temperature (60e90c) under controlled high humidity (80e90%). when compared with fresh garlic, black garlic does not release a strong offensive flavor owing to the reduced content of allicin.  ...
- on request
- Quantity :unlimited quantity
Advertiser from Italy

Category : fruits and vegetables | Wholesaler Italy |  
Selling  fr  285162. ORGANIC COCOA BEAN FROM MADAGASCAR |   Wholesaler coffee cocoa tea 

dear sir, based in madagascar, we are a company which export cocoa bean from madagascar. the cocoa from madagascar has been labelised « cocoa fine » by the icco, and classified among the best cocoa in the world by its floral notes, acidity and its astringency taste. we could provide you the best quality of cocoa bean with a competitive price as below: • a good fermented (the highest grade)  ...
- 4 500 Eur FOB Price from Diego Suarez Port
- Packaging :Jute bag
- Quantity :Minimum order quantity : 12.5Tons
-To see the brand, you need to be a member
Advertiser from Madagascar

Category : coffee cocoa tea | Wholesaler Madagascar |  
Selling  fr  281573. ORGANIC COCOA BEANS FROM MADAGASCAR |   Wholesaler coffee cocoa tea 

dear sir, based in madagascar, we are a company which export organic cocoa bean from madagascar. the cocoa from madagascar has been labelised « cocoa fine » by the icco, certified « organic » by ecocert france and classified among the best cocoa in the world by its floral notes, acidity and its astringency taste. we could provide you the best quality of cocoa bean with a competitive price as ...
- 4500 Euros per Tons
- Packaging :Jute bag
- Quantity :Minimum order quantity : 12.5Tons
-To see the brand, you need to be a member
Advertiser from Madagascar

vendeur organic fermented  Category : coffee cocoa tea | Wholesaler Madagascar |  
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