vente à prix d'usine par conteneur complet dans le monde entier sauf union europenne
nous contacter par whatsapp pour cotation.
boisson biscuits levure dph
sale at factory price per full container worldwide except eu
contact us by whatsapp for quotation.
drink cookies yeast dph
venta a precio de fábrica por contenedor completo en todo el mundo e ...
- Conditionnement :20' OU 40hc
Annonceur de France
customer search in fish industry in all the world customer search in fish industry in all the world customer search in fish industry in all the world customer search in fish industry in all the world customer search in fish industry in all the world customer search in fish industry in all the world customer search in fish industry in all the world ...
Annonceur de Maroc
we produce all types and models of printed/non printed plastik and biodegradable bags. we have 25 years of experience and our products are certified. our prices are competitive. ...
- Restriction :Europe/africa/Middle east
-Pour voir la marque concernee par cette annonce, vous devez etre membre d'EspaceAgro
Annonceur de Tunisie
dear customer;
moroccan company specialized in exporting fruits and vegetables; among the products that we export are mentioned: clementine, mandarins, oranges, lemon, tomatoes, pepper, cucumber: potatoes, beans, eggplant, pepper, zucchini, watermelon, melon and other varieties of fruits and vegetables.
on the occasion of the export campaign: 2013 2014, we are at your dispo ...
- Conditionnement :1.8/2.3/10 and 15 kg
- Quantite :1000 tons
Annonceur de Maroc
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