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vendeur snails_ snail - Achat vente, vendeur, producteur, fabricant, fournisseur ...
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Vendeur Snails_ Snail  - annonces

Fabricant Producteur Fournisseur Grossiste

VENTE  fr  591839. Snails Farmer |  producteur animaux vivants  05/04/2023 23:42:46

am looking for buyers of snails products like dried and fresh snail, snail slime and other related product ...
Annonceur de nigeria

Rubrique : animaux vivants | producteur animaux vivants | producteur animaux vivants Nigeria |
ACHAT  fr  579311. Snail Exporter |  producteur animaux vivants  10/01/2023 17:01:32

im looking for campanies that buys snails from africa for the consumption in the eu markertes.thise companies must be able to buy from me as i will be supplying theme with africa fresh snails...
Annonceur de Lesotho

Rubrique : animaux vivants | producteur animaux vivants | producteur animaux vivants Lesotho |
VENTE  fr  566044. I'm Seller....looking For Buyer's |   transport transit logistique  05/10/2022 14:06:47

i'm new in this platform. ..i'm into snails, catfish, snail shell, snail shell powder and eggshell powder.... i'm located in nigeria. interested buyers or partnership should chat me up for more details.  ...
Annonceur de nigeria

Rubrique : transport transit logistique | nigeria |  
VENTE  fr  537524. Snails, snail Eggs snail Slime. |  producteur autres  25/04/2022 07:28:53

need a buyers for snails, snails egg and snails slime.  ...
Annonceur de nigeria

Rubrique : autres | producteur autres | producteur autres Nigeria |
VENTE  fr  535707. snails |  producteur autres  13/04/2022 14:26:59

looking for snail slime(mucus) buyers in liquid and powder form, fresh and dry snails and food items like garri, honey beans and food spices ...
Annonceur de nigeria

vendeur snails_ snail  Rubrique : autres | producteur autres | producteur autres Nigeria |
VENTE  fr  526035. Helix Aspersa Snail Importers |  producteur animaux vivants  16/02/2022 15:34:33

we are looking for importers of live helix aspersa snails, we want to supply 30t per 9 month cycle. we are from namibia ...
- Quantite :30 T
Annonceur de namibie

Rubrique : animaux vivants | producteur animaux vivants | producteur animaux vivants namibie |
AUTRE  fr  525310. Partnership For snails |   autres  12/02/2022 16:15:31

looking for a partnership ( hard worker serious he /she love to learn ….) with experience in snail side ...
Annonceur de Maroc

Rubrique : autres | Maroc |  
ACHAT  fr  493232. Snail Farm. New Starting Small Eco Family Busines |  producteur animaux vivants 

newly starting small eco family business. we are going to produce a helix aspersa maxima snails. we are looking for potential buyers of naturally grown snails in small quantities but excellent quality. the farm will be completed next year and will be fully operational in 2023 with capacity 3000 to 5000 kg. hibernated snails.  ...
Annonceur de Malte

Rubrique : animaux vivants | producteur animaux vivants | producteur animaux vivants Malte |
VENTE  fr  492064. Live, Frozen Or Dried African Giant snails |  producteur viandes et oeufs 

we provide the biggest of the african giant snails live or processed to any part of the world. we also sell pure snail slime gotten through the use of the latest technology in snail slime extraction. ...
Annonceur de nigeria

Rubrique : viandes et oeufs | producteur viandes et oeufs | producteur viandes et oeufs Nigeria |
ACHAT  fr  489473. Snail Farming |   animaux vivants 

hello there, i am dnyati from mumbai, india.. i want to start small snail farming. can you please help me to supply some snails...
Annonceur de inde

vendeur snails_ snail  Rubrique : animaux vivants | inde |  
VENTE  fr  488832. Slim Mucin Buyers |  producteur animaux vivants 

slim mucin buyers it is a freeze dried product that produces from the slime of helix aspersa snails! this is the secretion of the snail's glands released when the shell is damaged, the wound heals, or the snail is stressed. moisturizer and collagen stimulator. we offer mucin in dry (freeze dried) and slime form. can be packed in different bag sizes. delivery time 7 14 days by plan ...
Annonceur de ukraine

Rubrique : animaux vivants | producteur animaux vivants | producteur animaux vivants ukraine |
VENTE  fr  481182. African Giant Snail Meat |  grossiste autres 

i have african giant from snails for sale. i can package it frozen or dried. i can also export it live. these snails are picked from the wild and very tasty. ...
Annonceur de Ghana

Rubrique : autres | grossiste autres | grossiste autres Ghana |
VENTE  fr  408099. Escargots/Snails |   viandes et oeufs 

j'ai un champ d'escargots, donc je cherche des clients pour l'exportation d'escargots vivant ou congeler. i have a snail farm, so i am looking for buyers, to export live/frozen snails to. merci/thanks ...
Annonceur de Benin

Rubrique : viandes et oeufs | Benin |  
VENTE  fr  402757. Helix Aspersa Muller |  fabricant animaux vivants 

the company is a trading and manufacturing company specializing in the cultivation and sale of helix aspersa muller and helix aspersa maxima streets in ukraine. we grow and sell our snail throughout ukraine. we have all the necessary certificates and veterinary certificates on the quality of our products. at the moment, we are interested in finding international partners to supply them directly w ...
Annonceur de ukraine

Rubrique : animaux vivants | fabricant animaux vivants | fabricant animaux vivants ukraine |
VENTE  fr  252191. Caviar snail Vegetarian 15 Euro/kg |  producteur viandes et oeufs 

we produce innovative product snails caviar vegetarian and has the ability to offer high quality food masterpiece! it is a product, that is extracted from seaweed. it's alginate , flavored, colored and shaped a special technology, such as grains of caviar. so up he has a taste of the natural product, but has the advantage, that it has a huge positive impact on the human body enshrined in ...
- 15euro/kg
- Conditionnement :15e/kg -5 kg pack,14e 1kg pack,26e/kg-100gr pack
- Quantite :3000 kg
Annonceur de Bulgarie

vendeur snails_ snail  Rubrique : viandes et oeufs | producteur viandes et oeufs | producteur viandes et oeufs Bulgarie |
VENTE  fr  130076. Future French snails Producer |  producteur animaux vivants 

we are future snail producers. our organic farm is under construction and we are looking for future buyers. in the early stages, we prefer for the potential buyers to purchase the snail alive.  ...
Annonceur de France

Rubrique : animaux vivants | producteur animaux vivants | producteur animaux vivants France |
VENTE  fr  70659. Escargots snails Helix Aspersa Maxima |  producteur animaux vivants 

we offer the following quality products: hibernating snails, with shelf life of 12 months storage at 1 6 degrees; blanched deeply frozen snail meat, whit shelf life 24 months storage at 18 degrees; canned snails; snail caviar; snail extract and slugs of blood natural / liquid form and dried; weight, labels and packaging, including the trademark can be made accordin ...
Annonceur de Bulgarie

Rubrique : animaux vivants | producteur animaux vivants | producteur animaux vivants Bulgarie |
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