hello, we are looking for producers/suppliers of the following seeds in large quantities:
albizia adianthifolia
alstonia boonei
aucoumea klaineana
ceiba pentandra
crotalaria retusa
crotalaria trichotoma
erythrophleum suaveolens
fimbristylis cymosa
milicia excelsa
musanga cecropioides
nauclea diderrichii
markhamia lutea
polyscias fulva
pterocarpus angolensis
pterocarpus erinaceus
r ...
Advertiser from France
xylopia aethiopica is used extensively in construction, african cuisine and traditional medicine.
the plant's bark is used to make doors and partitions. the wood is known to be resistant to termite attack and is used in hut construction: posts, scantlings, roof ridges and joists. the wood is also used for boat construction: masts, oars, paddles and spars. in togo and gabon, wood was traditi ...
- Quantity :1000 tonnes
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