EspaceAgro selleco

Chicken From Brazil - France

chicken from brazil - viandes et oeufs hello,  we work with a canadian company that has allocations with jsb in brazil and we can make payment lc,  dlc,  sblc transferable or non transferable we have the gacc number for china and we can send you a certificate of the seller that he has already exported to china for any information contact me
Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°564055:   02/10/2022 13:01:01
hello, we work with a canadian company that has allocations with jsb in brazil and we can make payment lc, dlc, sblc transferable or non transferable we have the gacc number for china and we can send you a certificate of the seller that he has already exported to china for any information contact me thank you
Restrictions : aucune
Quantite : 20 container and +
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