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wholesaler biscuits - Purchase sale, salesman, producer, manufacturer, food supplierwholesaler biscuits

wholesaler biscuits Ads

manufacturer producer supplier wholesaler

Selling  fr   335198. BISCUITS FOR FAMILY |   Wholesaler advertising new products 

we are selling food products including biscuits every day. we have consesion of metric tons of food for sale. we are looking for serious buyers who will be buying from us and sign a contract with them for period of long time. ...
- 1.00€ per kg
- Limit :SPAIN
- Packaging :800grm
- Quantity :1000 METRIC TONS
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Advertiser from Spain

Category : advertising new products | Wholesaler Spain |  
Buying  fr   302278. Recherche De Fournisseur Producteur |   Agent other 

to whom it may concerns, we are importers in madagascar and are looking for supplier for those following products: pasta (in 500gms and 5 kgs bag) glucose biscuits edible oil (in 1 liter 20 liters , 25 liters) we will study all offers, comesa origin products in preference. thanks and regards;  ...
Advertiser from Madagascar

Category : other | Agent Madagascar |  
Selling  fr   249572. We Want To Buy Foods,beverages,chocolates,biscuit |   Wholesaler feed 

we are interested in buying, foods, beverages, chocolates, biscuits, tomatoes tin, soft drinks, wheat, beans, rice, macaroni, butter etc under contract supply agreement ...
- 690$/ton
- Limit :5 Years
- Packaging :50 KG BAGS
- Quantity :120, 000 Tons
Advertiser from Benin

Category : feed | Wholesaler Benin |  
Other  fr   199412. Haricot,cacao Powder,pepper |   Wholesaler feed 

i want to buy haricot, cacao, pepper and i offer produit alimentaire and article menajers , wheat flours, biscuits, icecream, levure seche ...
Advertiser from Romania

Category : feed | Wholesaler Romania |  
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