Selling N°327804:
18/07/2018 11:26:58
works with the highest quality black and white pepper. looking for attend the most judicious markets in the world, based mostly in taking care about quality of the plantation, pesticides, time for harvest and drying method.
all the plantations follow rigorous methods of distance between piles, system of fertilizing and maximum exploitation of space. after years of experiences and researches, was possible to find an ideal way to produce the best quality black and white pepper.
the trees of pepper are treated as the best manners require. the usage of pesticides is minimum, and usually the trees are treated using biological methods. this is to avoid residues of pesticides in the product, which may cause problem when they will be exported. in addition, the system of irrigation is prepared for minimum waste of water and maximum exploitation for the plantation, as the company looks for environmental sustainability.
the harvest is made when pepper is in the best moment to be extracted from tree. the porpoise of the judicious method of harvest is to have the highest weight in the product after the process of drying, and to get the best quality from the product, as our clients are very specifics and judicious.
the drying process occurs inside greenhouses. these structures are required to avoid contact of the peppers with animals, that causes salmonella, and water, which causes mold.
in addition, this process of drying is preferable because do not have contact with smoke, because of anthraquinone
Tariff conditions : 2500
Restrictions : 2018
Packaging : 2018
Quantity : 100
Cost : 2500