we are precious metal exporters, and we also sponsor local gold mining
villages, communitys miners, private miners and joint local sellers
representatives.we have our legal precious metal license for gold
export & import and
we seller at good price to buyers. we sale on fob
first shipping arrangement.
procedure.we have this product for sale at a very good price.
i also have local made go ...
Advertiser from Ghana
nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer notre nouveau partenariat expert dans l'importation et la distribution de produits tropicaux d'exception ( acajou , soja , karité et pleins d’autres produits ). cette collaboration nous permet de vous offrir une gamme variée de fruits exotiques, d'épices envoûtantes et de produits raffinés, cultivés avec passion et respect de l'environnement. ensemble, nou ...
- Quantity :plus de 10.000 tonnes
Advertiser from Benin
for sale a farm with approval from the moroccan authorities for the importation of 400 head of cattle, the lazaret is located in the tangier region, modern facility, very well equipped.
se vende finca con autorización de las autoridades marroquíes para la importación de 400 cabezas de ganado, el lazaret está situado en la región de tánger, instalaciones modernas, muy bien equipada
en v ...
Advertiser from Morocco
we are an importation company commercializing goods in west africa.
responding the increasing request of our customers we are looking for new suppliers for 28% fat filled powder milk. ...
Advertiser from Senegal
bonjour cher membres d'espace agro, nous sommes un fournisseur béninois spécialisée dans l'importation et l'exportation des produits tropicaux de qualité (graines de coton et l'huile rouge raffiné). actuellement nous disposons d'une importante quantité dans nos magasin à cotonou que nous souhaitons vendre. nous exhortons toutes personnes désireuse par notre offre à nous contacter pour plus d'écha ...
Advertiser from Benin
direct ivorian intermediary to producers and suppliers of cashew nuts, cocoa coffee and peppers from côte d'ivoire.
benefit from
a quantity of +100, 000 tons/month
time savings in product research and negotiations
the best tariffs and import conditions
local and international presence of your interlocutor
a reliable single point of contact
french and english speaking
intermédi ...
Advertiser from Ivory Coast
we are seller mandate for 13mt of gold available immediately.
if you are a potential buyer or a buyer mandate with a profile of bank if possible, please keep me informed.
· commodity: gold bars – 1kg each bar
· origin: african countries
· packing: export package box
· price: 10% gross discount on lbma fix
· commission :
o 2 % seller’s side (closed: david mao / mi ...
- 48000 €
- Limit :No restrictions
- Packaging :CIF /FOB
- Quantity :13mt
Advertiser from France
je suis à la recherche de fournisseur vietnamien de fillets poissons pangasius hypophthalmus (basa commun), le fournisseur doit avoir un certificat chinois d'importation aqsiq (general administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine of prc).
i am looking for a vietnamese supplier of fish fillets pangasius hypophthalmus, supplier must have the chinese aqsiq import (a minister ...
- $2.45 USD
- Packaging :CIF Shenzhen, CHINA
- Quantity :50 containers de 40 feet/mois
Advertiser from France
bonjour je recherche à importé au pays bas fruits et légumes bio provenant de nos terrains bioplusagro togo.
- Tarifs selon les matières
- Quantity :5 à 10 tonnes et plus
Advertiser from Togo
we are a society of importation exportation (ningbo trading, china) and we are looking for a big quantily of olive oil, destination ningbo port china.
we are looking forward to hear from you as soon as possible, with all my best salutations. ...
Advertiser from Morocco
hello, we are a distributor based in the united arab emirates and serving the gcc region (uae; qatar; saudi arabia; oman; kuwait; iraq)
we are interested in importing the following livestock feed:
alfalfa hay (bale of 200/400 kg or pellets or meal). even if you have no stock, we would still be interested in establishing contact for the next season.
soya beans
we are l ...
Advertiser from United Arab Emirates
we offer more than 400 brands of the most famous spirits and liqueurs in the world.
we buy huge volumes which allow us to offer you very very competitive prices.
to get an offer: tell us what product you are looking for and what volume, we will send you an fob quotation.
we provide all the documents necessary for importation.
ask us !
● 400 brands of spirits & liquors :
ch ...
Advertiser from France
we are international trade company established in tunis. its object is to promote the export of tunisian products and to diversify the sources of importation aided in this by the privileged geographical position of tunisia which favors trade.
as well as in all kinds of international trading and brokerage operations
our fields of activity:
international trade
t ...
Advertiser from Tunisia
hello dear
am an enterprise of importation and am looking for goats 500 heads each month
please contacte me for partenariat and long busniss
salutation ...
- Quantity :500 heads each month
-To see the brand, you need to be a member
Advertiser from Algeria
salut je serais intéressé par l'importation de silice de sable de tunisie en italie sicile je demandais une estimation des coûts pour le sable tamisé et lavé ...
Advertiser from Italy
a la recherche d'un partenaire d'importation des des œufs de cover fécondé/poussin d'un jour au cameroun. ...
Advertiser from Cameroon
on fait l'importation de toutes types de machines industrielles et équipements,
notre client à besoin d'équipement de transformation de marbre à fin de l'utiliser au thème de fabrication des équipements de cuisine et salle de bains ,
je vous prie si vous avez ce type de machines de me proposer votre meilleur offre,
j'attends votre réponse,
cordialement ...
Advertiser from Algeria
my company is looking a client of whole sell of the beef meat and rabbits. we produce 10 tons of the beef meat and 1 ton for rabbits meat. our animals are vaccinated from diseases and eat natural food which is the natural grasses. any interested client can contact me on the given contact for the company. we can make contract for a long term period and our meats is very good. for contact just use f ...
Advertiser from Burundi
we are an import oriented company situated here in
benin republic. we specialized in the importation
and distribution of all types of pasta, spaghetti, beverages, fish, poultry meat and so on.contact us via email
with your quotation for our market study and proceed ...
Advertiser from Benin
we are an american company with branches in germany we would like to distribute our products in algeria and morocco.
our products are 100% natural food supplements.
we are looking for an advisor to guide us through the steps: product registration, import, etc.
nous sommes une societe americaines avec filales en allemegne nous aimerons bien distribué nos pro ...
Advertiser from Germany
im looking for a coffee provider and capsule machines for sales or a partnership to be a franchising for his band in my country. ...
Advertiser from Morocco
we are a company located in cote d'ivoire. we are operating in importation and distribution of rice. we are looking for new suppliers for a long term partnership. china, india, vitenam, thailand, brazil, uruguay, argentina. ...
- Quantity :1000 tonnes
Advertiser from Ivory Coast
need to know the procedure to import goats from guernsey, channel islands into france for breeding purposes. ...
Advertiser from France
looking for a provider of holstein cows pregnant, need to know the price and if they provide samples like small numbers then big ones once all is ok, we need to check if the cows will be able to adapt to the climate and also if the process of importation is good so, we know that once the requirements are met we may gain a permanent partnership thank you for your reply at advance ...
Advertiser from Morocco
nous sommes une enterprise sénégalaise basée à dakar qui est spécialisée dans l'exportation de produits halieutiques. le poison étant notre domaine de prédilection nous voulons étendre nos activivités en chine .nous cherchons des partenaires dans l'empire du milieu qui seraient interessés par l'importation du poisson sénégalais vers la chine.nous avons plusieurs variétés de poissons qui s'en aucun ...
Advertiser from China
nous sommes une entreprise d`importation des depuis 30 ans qui est a la recherche des arachides, et noix de cajou et ect en grand quantite. nous sommes a la recherche des partners avec lesquelles etablir de relations de travaux dans l`ouest de l`afrique. ...
Advertiser from Switzerland
our buyer holds a permit for importation of chicken feet and paws into china which will take effect on may 1st, 2019. here are the details of the transaction that our buyer would like to accomplish:
they are looking to import the goods into the shenzhen port
they would like to place orders on a month to month basis for the first few months (~2 3 months) as a trial period
the trial peri ...
- $1200 USD / mt
- Limit :must be SIF approved
- Quantity :40-60 containers / Month
Advertiser from Canada
we are looking for suppliers of nuts and dried fruit in vacuum packed containers. we are a startup company and deal in the mediterranean region. we would be willing to come over to inspect goods and sign a contract for a long term importation of such products.
- Packaging :vacuum packed
Advertiser from Malta
cherche grossiste gélatine bovine certifiée hala poudre et feuille pour importation aux états unis. veuillez me contacter. ...
Advertiser from etats unis
nous sommes spécialisés dans l’importation et l'exportation de fruits et légumes frais.
depuis 50 ans, notre objectif premier est de proposer uniquement le meilleurs en terme de qualité de produit et de service.
Advertiser from Morocco
specialized on importation and exportation of seafood products fresh and freeze. we treat all our fish in our company. our company is legally approved for the filleting process, the evisceration, the deep freezing, the cooking process, the packaging, and the storage.
we are interested by importers of sardine frozen in brine.
for more informations, you can contact us by email, telephon ...
Advertiser from Morocco
we are food contracters & brokers so we can supply your requested food importation need from all over the world but mainly from turkey where we are based. please don't hesitate to contact us for your required items. ...
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Advertiser from Turkey
je cherche fournisseurs pour l'importation en france tout les produits agro alimentaire.( coca cola, boissons non alcoolise, conserves etc ), en europe de l'est ou pas.imediatement.envoyer nous tout les offres par mail.merci a tout les membres. ...
- Packaging :camion ou bateau
- Quantity : 60 tonnes chaque mois
Advertiser from France
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