EspaceAgro selleco

Ascopharm® - France

STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°118631:   30/05/2013 11:47:24
Ascophyllum nodosum is a brown seaweed belonging to the Fucale species. It grows on rocks at mid intertidal level in exposed areas, where it replaces Fucus which prefers calm waters. The brownish green thallus grow in tufts, composed of strap shaped fronds of different ages all growing from a common base. These thick flattened straps can reach a length of 1 to 1.5 m and have nodes along their length with air bladders that serve as floats allowing the plant to stand upright in the water. They are irregularly branched with short lateral branches. The age of the seaweed can be calculated from the number of nodes — they can often live for more than fifteen years.

Harvesting takes place throughout the year on the upper intertidal zone. This is done manually to preserve the resources by cutting more than 20 cm above the holdfast so that the thallus grows back again quickly.
Ascopharm® is a 100% natural product, widely used in nutrition for slimming applications, especially because of its high iodine content which helps in the loss of undesirable fat.

It has a very high iron concentration, which is essential for oxygenating the tissues and fortifying the body.
Précisions indiquées
Direct access to resources, rigorous selection of raw materials, process expertise : offers a vast range of natural ingredients and services. develops seaweed products for the food industry. Edible seaweeds are valued for their nutritional value and their natural goodness. Marine ingredients can be used as natural food additives in food industry. Fish oil, fish powder and halophytes are used by professionals in the food industry. These natural ingredients contains marine nutrient and are

Pays: France
Type activite: grossiste
Capacite indiquée
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