EspaceAgro selleco

Chlorelle - France

STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°118633:   30/05/2013 11:48:59
Chlorella is a microscopic unicellular alga measuring about 5 µm. It is found in warm freshwaters throughout the world. This alga contains an exceptional growth factor which enables it to divide and reproduce very quickly. It forms part of the phytoplankton the very base of the aquatic food chain which is the base for life on earth.

Because Chlorella is so small, it has to be cultivated in order to be harvested. Cultivated Chlorella is produced using 100% natural methods, growing in the sunshine, in ventilated ponds under the control of professional microbiologists.
Chlorella is a 100% natural product, is increasingly used because of its extraordinarily rich composition.
It contains more than 60% proteins and especially all the essential amino acids. These are highly digestible and therefore an effective nutrient source. It is a very good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, β carotene, chlorophyll, mineral salts, and trace elements (iron, zinc, selenium, etc.). Chlorella also drains the heavy metals present in the body until they are eliminated.
Précisions indiquées
Direct access to resources, rigorous selection of raw materials, process expertise : offers a vast range of natural ingredients and services. develops seaweed products for the food industry. Edible seaweeds are valued for their nutritional value and their natural goodness. Marine ingredients can be used as natural food additives in food industry. Fish oil, fish powder and halophytes are used by professionals in the food industry. These natural ingredients contains marine nutrient and are

Pays: France
Type activite: grossiste
Capacite indiquée
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