Herbs and Spices Essential oils Field: aromatic spices the assortment includes the following product groups:
herbs and spices
essential oils
herbal and spices teas
roots ans seeds
gums / resins (...) la suite... producteur herbs spices |
vendeur herbs spices |
Bussines partner Field: live animals i'm looking for a good bussines partner that can deliver lacaune, charrolais and other breeds animals for export to me. (...) la suite... grossiste bussines partner |
vendeur bussines partner |
Snail, Aspargot, Snail slime and eggs Field: live animals i need buyer of snail by-products from europe, usa, africa, australia and asia. we produce our snails in nigeria according to international best practices. we feed our snails only vegetables and harvest it's by-products in line with acceptable animal right standards. (...) la suite... producteur snail, aspargot, |
vendeur snail, aspargot, |
Chicken paws and wings to China Field: meat and eggs we have chinese buyer who has intention to purchase from you, the commodity frozen chicken paws (grade a) and frozen
mid-joint chicken wings (grade a), both of brazilian origin, in the quantity and for the price as
specified in the terms and conditions as stated below and that funding is available including any import
permits needed to fulfill this purchase. (...) la suite... courtier chicken wings |
chicken wings |
chicken paws and wings Field: meat and eggs we have chinese buyer who has intention to purchase from you, the commodity frozen chicken paws (grade a) and frozen
mid-joint chicken wings (grade a), both of brazilian origin, in the quantity and for the price as
specified in the terms and conditions as stated below and that funding is available including any import
permits needed to fulfill this purchase.
commodity: frozen chicken paws (grade a)
specification: weight 30/ (...) la suite... courtier chicken wings |
chicken wings |
FLOUR WHEAT AFRICA BY CONTAINER Field: cereals need best price for tc20std wheat flour for bread quality, 24t in 50 kgs bags
monthly shipment, payment from europe. (...) la suite... fabricant flour wheat |
vendeur flour wheat |
Cheese production in Morocco Field: milk and milk products the demand for cheese in morocco and west africa is growing fast; i already have a cheese and dairy unit in the biggest milk zone of morocco (500 millions liters/year). i am an expert in the field and i have a great experience with the moroccan and west africa market. i am looking for a partner to develop this activity very well. (morocco) (...) la suite... fabricant cheese production |
vendeur cheese production |
Looking for clients for olive oils Field: olis as a producer of olive oils in morocco , we are looking for clients from all around the world,
capacity : 10.000 tonnes yearly. (...) la suite... producteur looking clients |
vendeur looking clients |
Frozen/ Congelé: sardines, mackerel Field: fish we are a fish company located in morocco. we offer a wide range of products of frozen seafood (sardines, mackerel, horse mackerel , mulet ...) if you are interested please contact me in e-mail. variety: sardine, mackerel, house mackerel. if you are interested please contact me by e-mail.
offre sardine; maquereau frais & congelés du maroc, société marocaine spécialisée dans la production et la commercialisation des produits de la mer; produits ré (...) la suite... producteur frozen/ congelé: |
vendeur frozen/ congelé: |
Saffron / Safran Field: aromatic spices on est producteurs du safran européen. notre safran a un goût, un aromat et une couleur qui sont extraordinaires. il est certifié ''première qualité'' par des laboratoires spécialisées en angleterre et en france.
we are a producer of european saffron. our saffron has excellent taste and great aroma and coloring. it is certified quality 1. a quality criterion is the certificate issued saffron specialized laboratory in england and in france.
(...) la suite... producteur saffron safran |
vendeur saffron safran |
Je cherche des acheteurs du miel. Field: sweet miel de qualite superieur. recolte a la grece. miel de sapin, dew fleurs diverses et de oak.fournisseur de la region de karditsa , une ville de la grece centrale qui produit du miel superieur (...) la suite... - 6000 Euro la tonne - Europe - 5 tonnnes producteur cherche acheteurs |
vendeur cherche acheteurs |
Icumsa 45 Field: other we are the purcheser of icumsa 45 sugar.
please contact with details only genuine suppliers.
india (...) la suite...
Looking for used rails Field: metals we are used rails end buyers mandate. and we looking for used rails r50/r60 direct buyers. please give us your sco and your best price (...) la suite... - min 100000 tons per month