EspaceAgro selleco

Diesel EN590 10PPM-600 $/tonne - Italie

Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°630283:   31/01/2024 14:00:11
procédure tank to tank
fob fujairah
50000 mt diesel en590 10ppm 600 $
transaction procedure fob
1.buyer issues icpo.
2.seller issues commercial invoice.
3.buyer signs and returns to seller the signed commercial invoice together with tsa for the
available quantity required.
4. seller issues to the buyer below documents:
a. dip test authorization (dta)
b. allocation certificate
c. product analysis report
5. the buyer is expected to complete and sign the dta along with their storage company
(tank farm)
6.after signing dta, buyer gives seller their tsr. seller’s tank approves signed dta
along with fresh sgs report to buyer to conduct dip test in seller’s’ tank. seller will
provide the below documents to buyer,
a. fresh sgs report within 48 hours
b. authorization to sell (atsc)
c. injection report
d. tank storage receipt (tsr)
e. authorization to verify physically the product in seller tank
7. all parties involved in the transaction signs the ncnda/imfpa.
8. after buyer conducts the dip test, seller transfers ownership title to the buyer’s company
name, buyer then makes full payment of the total product by mt 103 and the product will be
transferred to buyer’s tank within 24hrs 48hrs of confirmation of the buyer’s payment by the seller.
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