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producteur meat snail production - Purchase sale, salesman, producer, manufacturer, food supplierproducteur meat snail production

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Other  fr  565456. Cooperate Escargot Snail |   Producer crustacean shell  01/10/2022 22:53:01

we are a company from izmir/turkey for the breeding and processing of snails of the specieshelix aspersa maxima, helix aspersa muller and (helix pomatia collected from nature). we are looking for serious and reliable clients from the eu. we cooperate with you on a contract production for the season year 2023. we offer products from snails. we have our own fields with an area of ​̴ ...
- Quantity :Production capacity: 150 & 200 tons
Advertiser from Turkey

Category : crustacean shell | Producer Turkey |  
Buying  fr  466026. Giant African Land snail meat Vacuum Packed |   Producer meat and eggs 

gilaz snails are producing meat from giant african land snails in mozambique. we are in our third year of production in the inhambane province. all snails are cleaned, vacuum packed and frozen in packets of 12 snails each. size categories:(weight of meat) extra large >50 grams (only limited supply) king 40 50 grams queen 35 40 gram princess < 35 grams gilaz snails has got thei ...
Advertiser from Mozambique

Category : meat and eggs | Producer Mozambique |  
Other  fr  434190. Land Snail Rearing Investor Search |   Producer capital investment 

my name is thabo mpharoane from southern africa, lesotho. we are ed value consortium and are looking for an early stage(pre seed) financier partner (equity & debt) to join our proposed startup out grower program infused snail farming business in lesotho. our team is exceedingly capable as it consists of our offer taker who is also renowned farmer and experts of various core technical disciplines ...
Advertiser from Lesotho

Category : capital investment | Producer Lesotho |  
Selling  fr  395378. meat-snail-production |   Producer live animals 

adex lt, uab has high capacity and labor resources so the forest goods bought in lithuania are not enough. the company imports additional material from partners the company of the russian federation ooo arda lisi and the company of the republic of belarus ooo ardai. this ensures the continuous supply of fresh and processed products to adex lt, uab customers. ...
Advertiser from Lithuania

Category : live animals | Producer Lithuania |  
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