EspaceAgro selleco
truffes truffles - Purchase sale, salesman, producer, manufacturer, food suppliertruffes truffles

truffes truffles Ads

manufacturer producer supplier wholesaler

Selling  fr  367281. Summer truffes, Truffle (tuber Aestivum) 2019 |   Producer fruits and vegetables 

summer truffes, truffle (tuber aestivum) season 2019 dear sirs. i work as an export agent for a romanian agricultural cooperative that brings together several farms. among the partners are several truffle collectors who traditionally export to italy and now are interested in the european market. we can offer wild truffles collected on request, in the abundant forests of romania. origin: s ...
- from 39 €/Kg. EXW (minimum order 20 Kg.)
- Limit :Europe, America, middle East, Asia
- Packaging :Bank transfer / Western Union
- Quantity :Harvest on request
Advertiser from Romania

Category : fruits and vegetables | Producer Romania |  
Selling  fr  335659. 100 Pour KAG |   Producer yeast fungus 

vente de champignons et truffes sauvages 1000 kg mushrooms are wild, chilled 500kg and 300kg dried truffles are forest  ...
- 100 i pour KAG
- Quantity :1000 kg
Advertiser from Bulgaria

Category : yeast fungus | Producer Bulgaria |  
Selling  fr  260771. Truffles Truffes |  Committee yeast fungus 

truffles ou truffes meilleur truffes bon prix limite quantité concerne l union européenne middel east tous l monde  ...
- 75
- Quantity :100
Advertiser from Morocco

Category : yeast fungus | Committee Morocco |  
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